Writer | Editor | Listener

Seeking human-powered stories to bridge the gaps between communities, places, and the natural world.


Hi, I’m Britany.

I once wrote an article about photos of old buildings that turned into an article about an erupting volcano. Life is almost never predictable and stories shouldn’t be either. Which is why my writing—whether I’m researching for a magazine feature, mining my past for memoir, or crafting copy for brands—is rooted in persistent curiosity and enthusiasm for the unexpected.

The Washington Post | New York Times | Sierra Club | O Magazine | Lonely Planet | Fast Company


Interested in working together? Here are a few things you should know:

  • I have lots of questions. Let’s chat. Let’s dig around and get some dirt under our fingernails. That’s how we find the good stuff.

  • The phrase “search engine optimization” once made me shiver. But I’ve since learned the power of helping people find what they’re looking for, and I’m not afraid to use it. SEO doesn’t have to suck.

  • I have very little tolerance for sentences that say nothing. I don’t waste readers’ time with weightless words.

  • If you’re a new writer looking for advice, or an experienced writer who just wants to throw ideas around with a fellow word-nerd, I’m always happy to connect over coffee or a beer.

Let’s Connect: Britany.Robinson@gmail.com | 203-974-3754 | Instagram | Linkedin